
Visibly Happy

Day +2.

Back to work today, 6:30 to 4:30.

I made a bit of progress in the Q1 plans, finishing off the daily regimen plan for January through March. I'll post these plans once I'm a little further on. Progress, even though it is small!

A notable event was that two separate people commented that I am visibly happier these days. That is nice. Very nice. I know a lot of it is due to the upcoming year and being able to dedicate time to research. I also think the decision from the long weekend (staying where we are) and just having time off made a difference today.

The other notable event is that I seem to have come down with a cold. Runny nose, slight body aches and extra tiredness. Blech! Many people believe Colds equate to some sort of confusion in life. The only confusion I can think of was related to whether or not we were moving, so getting a cold after the decision seems somewhat wrong :).

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