
I Don't Like Sundays

Day +6.

Sundays seem to be my hardest day of the week. This one actually started off well as I focused in on the variety of household chores that had accumulated over the past few days. Being a Human Doing is always so much easier for me than a Human Being :).

Once all the finances were tracked, garbage was taken out and dishes cleaned up, I started working on my design for splitting up LQPL, my quantum programming language. My big goal for January is to actually get it working as four separate modules rather than the monolithic beast it has become. The Compiler is already available as a separate piece, so that is easy. The Assembler is not intertwined with the current UI or emulator, so that also is easy. The issue becomes when I try to pry apart the emulator from the UI. Those buggers are like conjoined twins. Separate major organs, mostly, but the circulation system is like one. I thought my first step would be to document the messages that should go back and forth, but after writing out a very few I quickly started feeling stuck. I'm going to switch it up over the next few days and reread the intertwined code again to think more about the actual connection points.

The reason for the title started soon after that. I find I often get vague feelings of crapiness on Sundays. When I get stuck like that on a task, it just makes it worse. I am expecting that as I get more in shape over the next few months, that will significantly decrease or go away. One can only hope!

A somewhat weird thing has been starting the last few days and grew quite noticeable today. Every once in a while it felt like I was stepping on something with my right heel. Whenever I would check, there was nothing there. As it turns out, I think it is actually the tendons pulling at my heel when I bend a bit. My right calf and tendon are so tight these days, it is always uncomfortable and offer a bit painful.

So, tomorrow, back to work for three days. I think things will be starting to wind down a bit, we'll have to see.

Until tomorrow!

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